self-evaluation when I would discard all my treasures and "go straight". Let me tell you that it was not until 1964 that I finally realized that I can never reform and that I will be a femme person until I die.
My father was a pastor so we didn't have much money. I worked at odd jobs for spending money since I was 12, and on finishing high school entered college at age 17. I had a partial scholarship, but had to have a good job to earn enough money to go to the private college I attented in the middle west. I got a job, believe it or not, as an attendant in a state mental hospital. I can see the reactions now from any GG's who are reading this: he's wacky because of his exposure to the nuts there. Well, far from it.
At the college, membership in a fraternity was al- most mandatory in order to have any sort of social life. I managed to get bids from two top national fraternities and accepted, pledged and was initiated by one the oldest and best-known. Wonder how many of my fraternity brothers are also my soroity sisters now? Would be fun to find out, wouldn't it? My transvestism, though caused me several anxious moments while living at the fraternity house, but I don't believe I was ever actually discovered. I had plenty of close calls, however, when I either had to un- dress in lightening fashion, or make a wild dash, fully dressed, for the bed and cover up to my ears and pretend to be sacked out! If any brother had ever jestingly ripped the covers off I would have been scandalized and, I'm sure, ejected from both fraternity and college.
Occasionally I attended classes with delightful under- garments under my blue jeans and sport shirts. More rarely I would sneak out late at night for the solitary stroll, fully dressed even to falsies underneath, but with masculine outer clothes. The developrient of my confidence occurred much more slowly than with many of you, I'm
My brother had a ball during college, though, dating dozens of pleasant young things, always studying them, while enjoying them.
I joined the Marine Corps reserve in a program to be-